On Friday night I was in my living room, spending some time with a few of my friends after a long week of school. As Ghost Adventures flickered on TV in the background, we started to talk about our classroom experiences. Two of my buddies are ELA Education Majors and one is in her semester of internship.
As I explained about my blog, she interrupted and asked, "Have you ever heard of Wordle?"
"IT'S AWESOME! I use this with my students after they create a first draft of a paper or piece of creative fiction! It uses the words from the document you upload to place visual emphasis on the words that appear the most in your work. It helps students see what their piece emphasizes and it's a great place to start for quick writes."

Turns out, it is just as awesome as she said. You simply upload a document and create these awesome collages. Try it in your classroom and see how the students enjoy creating these word collages online!
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