In 2010 I had the chance to volunteer with a school in the Bronx during my spring break. I returned this year leading a team of 28 other college students to work with teachers and students in the school. After returning home, I found that MS 223 snagged the cover of the New York Times Magazine with a compelling article about the state of education in the Bronx.

I could sit here and tell you all of the challenged that a school in the South Bronx of New York face, but in reality that is not what stuck with me after my time at MS 223. What struck a chord with me the most were the teachers. Principle Ramon Gonzalez, featured on the cover of this month's magazine, spoke with us while we worked in the school. When asked about the teachers he said,
"The thing about being a teacher here is it's not a job. It's a way of life."
After spending the week in the school, I know that his statement was true. Their passion for the students radiates from everything they do in the classroom, from lectures to greeting students in the hallway as they walk in each morning. These teachers are there for one reason and reason alone: the students. I had the opportunity to work with an 8th grade ELA teacher who was the epitome of passion. She inspired me to teach with a sense of urgency that I had yet to witness in a classroom. I aspire to the same vigor and excitement with my won students because I know the attitude of a teacher has the potential to make or break the academic success of their students.
Pick up a copy of the magazine this month and read the article, or you can visit it here online. The article provides great insight into the New York school system and how a dedicated faculty and administration can truly impact an entire neighborhood.
I LOVE THIS SCHOOL! This was my middle school but I graduated last year. It is the best school in New York City. All the teachers make you feel welcome and everyone is friendly. If you want your son or daughter to go to middle school pick this one because I guarantee you it's the best one :) I LOVE MS 223 !