I found this site will digging through the internet for educational tools. I do believe this is quite a little gem, if I do say so myself.
The site, Freerice.com, allows you to test your vocabulary knowledge. For each question you answer correctly, they donate 10 grains of rice which tends to add up to quite a bit since their launching of the site in 2007. The UN World Food Programme (WFP) distributes the rice that is donated from sponsors. From the site alone, Freerice fed 66,000 school children in Uganda.
Their basic purpose is to promote free education and solve world hunger. I absolutely LOVE this site. Also you could incorporate FreeRice if you're doing a unit on empathy for character studies.
For the vocabulary quiz, you can change the level (the hardest being 60), which I barely knew the words for even after the GRE! Excellent site. Excellent mission. Check it out!
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