Sunday, July 31, 2011

Technology Biographies

This is going to be a super quick post because I am drowning with end-of-the-semester papers, but while I was researching for one of those said papers I stumbled upon this excellent idea:

Technology Biographies!

In the article "Fresh Perspectives on New Literacies and Technology Integration" by Labbo and Place (2011), they describe an assignment where they "ask students to write the story of their lives through the lens of the technologies they use and enjoy. Many students have years of multi-literacy expertise that they can bring into the classroom."

How awesome would it be to hear how your students implement technology beyond the classroom? Also it could provide you as a teacher with a way to assess their knowledge of technologies including new ways to implement them in the classroom. Plus we all know students are into technology, from iPhones to iPads, and having them write on something they already are interested in could boost levels of engagement.

Needless to say, this is a writing prompt that I would love to use in my classroom. If I have a chance to do so in the fall, I will let you know how it works out!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Poetry, Art, and Music

I know, you guys are probably getting spoiled by my continuous posting lately, but sometimes resources tend to find your way to your laptop in their own time like this little gem below.

I have yet to teach poetry, but I imagine that a majority of students are often confused by the mere idea of it or its possibilities. I have always loved the art myself, but I want to find a way to make it interesting and accessible to students. I think this video, a performance by a singer/songwriter/poet named Tanya Davis and filmed by videographer Andrea Dorfman, is just too beautiful to pass up.

Here is "How to Be Alone" by Tanya Davis. Enjoy!

Harry Potter!

As a future English teacher, I have to admit that one of my obsessions, beside Shakespeare, has to be Harry Potter. I look for ways to incorporate J.K. Rowling's literary genius into my lesson designs (especially using sentences for grammar instruction!) Students seem to humor me and my love of all things HP, but I often found some students had yet to watch the movies or read the books (a tragedy in and of itself). Today one of my buddies Jason Mundie, (who happens to be an excellent wedding photographer; you can check his site out here) sent me this video of a summary of all the HP movies via song.

It is glorious.

Also, spoiler alert people! If you haven't read the books or watched the movies, then skip this post! ENJOY!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I love Shakespeare.

I love Shakespeare.

But what I love even more than his way with words has to be the humor it evokes. I have no idea what this could be used for in the classroom besides that it's absolutely hysterical. Enjoy!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

To celebrate the independence of our grand nation, I present this Muppet tribute.

Sadly I will, as far as I know, not be teaching during the month of July, but if I were I would show this to my class in a heart beat. It doesn't get better than Sam the Eagle.

Happy 4th of July everybody!