First let me warn you. It is rated R and it certainly earns it's restricted rating. And overall it's quite an awful film. The only slightly humorous parts are shown in the trailers, as is the practice of most lack-luster movies these days. After seeing the film I think what bothered me the most, besides Diaz's breathtakingly annoying performance, was their portrayal of teachers. At one point in the movie Diaz asks Jason Segel's character, "What went wrong in your life that you became a middle school gym teacher?"
Even though it had a lot of potential, the film did deliver on one part of it's title: BAD. So, to make up for it, I have compiled a list of teacher-must-see movies and they are as follows:

1.) Dead Poet's Society. If I could steal any cinematic portrayal of the first day of class, it would be this one. So. Good. Plus Robin William's performance is impeccable. Diaz, take note.
2.) Waiting For Superman: Nothing but an inspirational documentary film about the present state of our education system. A must see if you are entering or participating in any aspect of education.
3.) Freedom Writers: I hear this is a classically "teachers make a difference" movie. Honestly I have yet to see this film, but I hear it's always on the top of any teacher's list.

4.) Finding Forrester: Okay, I know it has my last name in the title, but really it's such a wonderful movie about writing, reading, and authorship. It might be a little obscure, but trust me, it's a winner.
5.) School of Rock: This movie is just plain fun. Rock 'n roll. Guitars. Students. Enough said.
6.) The First Grader: This movie is a true story of a villager in Kenya that wants to go to school even at age 84. I haven't seen the film, but just by the trailer alone it looks as inspiring as it appears. I'll let you know what I think after I see it for myself!
Happy movie watching!