Everyone let me introduce you to the best Young Adult Literature Conference around - YALL FEST.
Please check out their webpage here: yallfest.org OR like them on Facebook OR follow them on Twitter at @YallFest
The Subject of Teaching
"Teaching is the greatest act of optimism" -Dr. Haim Ginott
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Sunday, April 15, 2012
On Loop
Presently I'm working on designing a unit on Shakespeare's Hamlet. In the unit I am assigning my students to memorize the "To Be or Not To Be" soliloquy. While researching the speech, I found this EXCELLENT video of a student that put the words to a song. It is FANTASTIC and I've been listening to it on loop for the past day. I am considering allowing students to put the soliloquy to music and sing the recitation in class. Listen and watch here!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Do you have 1 minute and 59 seconds?
Take a break from checking Facebook or Twitter to watch this short and worthwhile film:
I'm going to New York to work in a school in the South Bronx called MS (Middle School) 223 over Spring Break. The neighborhood has 0 book stores and the average household has 3 while the school itself doesn't have a single library.
My challenge is to change that! My mission with my team is to provide the ENTIRE 7th grade class with personal Shoebox Libraries. Each library will contain FIVE books that the kids will be able to transport between school and their homes. That's 160 kids which equals 800 books!
So that's where I need YOUR help. I need you to sponsor a 7th grader by providing FIVE BOOKS for an individual Shoebox Library. Here's How:
- All you need to do is go to Amazon and view this Wish List: http://amzn.com/w/2P4A7EN6INYPZ
- From there you pick FIVE books from the list. They can be USED but they must be listed in "LIKE NEW" or "GOOD" condition.
- Ship the books by March 1, 2012 to this address:
MS 223
Mr. Ohl - Shoebox Library
360 E 145th Street
Bronx, NY 10454
- Fill out the pledge form pictured below and return it to me (either via email, snail mail, in the comments section, or in person) OR you can fill out the pledge form ONLINE here: http://tinyurl.com/75xh9as so that we can keep track of our goal.
If you want to sponsor more than one student then please do! Or if you want to buy extra books to make the Free Shipping then please do that too! AND if you happen to have copies of these books already (or know someone that wants to give them away) then all you have to do is TELL ME and SHIP THEM TO NYC! How easy is that?!
You can change the numbers.
You can make a difference in the future of these students.
You can play a part in changing the South Bronx from
a book desert into an OASIS.

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Animaniacs and Shakespeare
I just couldn't resist. The Animaniacs on Shakespeare's Hamlet, Macbeth, and a Midsummer Night's Dream:
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Julius Caesar Rap
Also I'm working on a unit for Julius Caesar and found this clip from the Bill Cosby Show. I think that's all the introduction this clip needs. Enjoy!
Breakin It Down : Shakespeare Style
Yes, I know it's been quite a while since I've posted BUT I blame my internship this semester. Today I'm preparing an introductory unit to Shakespeare when I stumbled upon this little gem of a video. I will say I think this would be suited for higher grades (10-12th) as opposed to the younger kiddos (6-9th), but it's engaging and HYSTERICAL. Enjoy!
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